
Featured Discussion

Pankaj Kr Roy Presently I am working as plant manager of crude & vacuum distillation unit . We are processing Assam crude ( indigenous ) low sulfur crude having API 29 & sulfur content is 0.24 wt%. During the normal crude processing , the desalter brine oil content is 40ppm( max), but when we process slop 5-7m3/hr with 400 m3/hr of crude , the brine become blakish & oil content increase to 1-2% which aggravated our slop inventory problem in ETP. Even after increasing demulsifier dosing rate, there is no improvement. Sometime dealter transformer also got tripped due to short circuit of electrode. Anybody has any solution over the discussion forum.
May 05, 2016 11:20 pm
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    Roger:  Do you have any measurement of filterable solids?

    May 10, 2016 09:39 pm